So, a certain kid clad in his hooded towel after his bath, tiptoed barefooted to the children's room. Abruptly stopping, and staring at his watermarked footprints on the floor, exclaimed, "Oh, a-ll of my leg-s!" whilst his littlest fingers vivaciously waved through the nearest, to the farthest stamps. Walk with me, When we found out that little is much, we began to give as much as little as we can. #TeamYowamca

Young Women & Men Creative Association
We employ specific actionable projects within communities to encourage and spark creative potential in individuals so they may know their value and rise to the challenge of being the best they can be.

Young Women and Men's Creative Association (YOWAMCA) is an international NGO Working to empower individuals to realize - The best way to predict the future is to create it.
We employ specific actionable projects within communities to encourage and spark creative potential in individuals, so they may know their value and rise to the challenge of being the best they can be.

From the Heart of Africa. For the World.

"It is better to raise stars so that when one's light ebbs
and fades, he can shine in the constellation he had made."
- Ositadimma Amakeze
Founder of YOWAMCA